halaal food in seychelles

Halaal food in Seychelles

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Halaal food in Seychelles

In general, hotels and restaurants will tell you that their chicken and beef are Halaal as they are imported from countries where they are halaal certified however they do also serve pork and alcohol so contamination could be an issue. Ask the relevant questions and make sure you’re happy with the answers before you eat there.

We did not find any halaal restaurants in Praslin and La Digue but if you’re staying in self-catering accommodation, many of the supermarkets stock Halaal frozen ready to cook meals from supermarkets. These are made by Al Kabeer and imported from Sharjah, UAE.

We found these Halaal restaurants in Mahe

Please verify status before eating as it may have changed.

Beau Vallon Halal Bites
Beau Vallon Halal Bites

Halal Bites – Beau Vallon
Mama Rosa – near Beau Vallon beach

Chicken House – Quincy Street , Victoria

Halal n Tasty – at the front of the Victoria mosque complex
There’s a grocery shop there that sells halaal meat too.

Where to stay in Seychelles

Constance Ephelia

L’Escale Marine Resort and Spa

Constance Lemuria

Find more accommodation here.



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