Salaah Facilities South Africa

Salaah Facilities In Gauteng Shopping Centres

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Salaah Facilities In Gauteng Shopping Centres


Cresta Mall

Near Nandos at the food court( between Mikes Kitchen and Nando’s : Code for door 3333). Male and Female facilities. Keys available from Calistos.

Sandton City Musalla

Sandton City-Sandton City, Entrance 22 (car park)

Sunninghill Shopping Centre

Behind the shopping centre, at the delivery entrance.

Eastgate Shopping Centre

The Eastgate Shopping Centre musallah is now inside the mall. It’s at the entrance that’s closest to Game (i.e. Entrance 1 – undercover parking), but on the mezzanine floor inside the mall. As you disembark the ascending escalator it’s to the left behind glass doors. Sections for male and female including wudhu facilities.

Trade Route Mall

Upper Level near Pick n Pay escalators – A separate ablution (Wudhu) facility is available.

Musalla -Zone Shopping Mall, Rosebank

The Musalla at the Zone in Rosebank is on the ground level next to Viva Gym.

Woodmead Retail Park

There is a salaat facility available @ Woodmead Retail Park- just next to Dion Wired- keys are available from Urban Vibe in the same centre.

Fourways Mall

Prayer Facility in Fourways Mall by the bathrooms near banking Court. Opposite EdenTech.

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Lakeside Mall – Benoni

Musallah in Lakeside mall Benoni-Lower level near Clicks- Keys available from any of the Muslim owned shops.

The Glen

Musallah at “THE GLEN”-Key available @ Milky Lane

Mall of the South

Prayer room is on Level 2 at STF09. It is located in the passage near the H&M bathrooms

Clearwater Mall

The lower level undercover parking, at the entrance of Ocean Basket, as you enter, turn left. The prayer room is on your left hand side, underneath the ramp that goes up for the upper level parking. The code is written on the door.

Mall of Africa

Salaah facilities at Entrance 15, Level 4.


Mochachos in Southgate Mall has a small room for salaah

Lenasia – Signet Terrace Mall

Lenasia Signet Terrace Mall- between Al Baraka Bank & the Absa atm in the passage

Westgate Mall

At entrance near Muslim owned café

Melrose Arch

Melrose Arch: Salaah facilities by the Woolworths entrance next to the pay stations.


Menlyn Park Mall

At the Mezzanine floor of the Menlyn Park Arena Area (Level ME in the elevator of the Menlyn Park shopping centre).

Centurion Shopping Centre

Centurion Mall Musallah (Jamaat Khana): It is situated above Ocean Basket (in the mall parking area). It has separate ladies facilities.

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Vaal Mall (Vanderbijlpark)

A Musallah is available at the Banking court. It’s situated on the 1st floor, next to Kelly Personnel.

Do you know of any other salaah facilities in Gauteng shopping centres? Please leave a comment below.

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  1. Aslm

    Would like to know if prayer facilities in greenstone mall….??

    1. Go to green valley mochachos (2kms away). Ask the manager to let u read

  2. Alhamdulillah, May ALLAH (SWT) reward all that have made these conveniences available. For people that have difficulty getting to Masaajid in various areas, this option is great not only for Friday’s but everyday. May ALLAH grant unconditional blessings to those who are responsible for these outstanding beautiful Islamic infrastructural conveniences to obey Our Creator. With this convenience, there is absolutely no reason to neglect the daily salaah whether it be ladies or men, South Africa is brillaint with conveniences to not discard Islam and ALLAH SWT mercy.

    1. سبحان الله العظيم..
      We are truly blessed in South Africa and
      آمـــــين يَارَبَّ الْعَــــالَمِينْ
      Allah reward each and everyone for taking the initiative to make it possible.

  3. Slms wanted to know if there’s prayer facility in mall of the south

    1. Wslm. This is what I found
      Muslim shoppers, you can find a prayer room on Level 2 at STF09. The prayer room is located in the passage near the H&M bathrooms

  4. Aslm

    Is there Salah facilities at fourways mall?

    1. Yes, please ask the information centre for location.

  5. Is der a masjid or musallas near Northgate ice rink?

  6. The Musalla at the Zone in Rosebank is actually on the ground level next to Viva Gym

  7. Slms, shukran, excellent. I suggest you create a ‘live’ site, so that everybody can update, add all the Musalas.

    1. Wslm. I would suggest that if anyone has updates or knows of any other salaah facilities in Gauteng shopping centres, they can leave a comment below. 

      1. Aslm, the Eastgate shopping centre musallah has changed it’s location to inside the mall. It’s at the entrance that’s closest to Game (i.e. Entrance 1 – undercover parking), but on the mezzanine floor inside the mall. As you disembark the ascending escalator it’s to the left behind glass doors. Sections for male and female including wudhu facilities.

          1. Jazakallahukhair.

            One further update received – Melrose arch: salaah facilities by the Woolworths entrance next to the pay stations.

  8. Salaams. Prayer Facility in Fourways mall by the bathrooms near banking Court. Opposite EdenTech

  9. Aslmkm
    Clearwater mall
    The lower level undercover parking, at the entrance of ocean basket, as you enter, turn left, it’s in your left hand side, undeaneathe the ramp that goes up for the upper level parking. The code is written on the door

  10. give us a list of full halaal accomodation in south africa whats affordable

  11. Thanking The Management of these malls who made these venues possible…and Thank you! To our Government who gave us to freedom freedom of Religion…And Jazaak’ umullah Khair unto Allah Who made this possible… Àameen 🌹

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